Adoption Update: Willow

Willow is my best friend (even though I still get hissed at a couple times a week) and she’s made so much progress in the time I’ve had her. 

I live in a townhouse with lots of stairs and I’m not sure Willow has ever lived somewhere with large flights of stairs before. It took a lot of treats and patience, but eventually she learned how to use them and now she runs up and down them easily and it makes me so happy to see—plus it’s good exercise for her. 

Willow also lets me pet her now! She loves getting chin scratches and she’ll begrudgingly let me clip her nails as long as she gets a Churu afterwards. Believe it or not, she sleeps with me in my bed almost every night curled up against my legs.

She is much more mobile now—and down a full pound from her adoption weight!!! She recently jumped up on the counter which was shocking to both of us… she hasn’t done it again so I don’t think she remembers doing it. 


Willow loves to sit on the balcony with me (when it’s not snowing) and stare at the birds that nest in the tree opposite our house. She also likes to hiss at the cars and then be very proud of herself when they drive away. 

She still uses the scratching post you sent with me every day, but her favorite toy has recently shifted from the feather wand toy (or as I call it, the fishing rod) to just a really long piece of pink ribbon she LOVES to chase around. 

Willow still LOVES Churus and she has to have one every day before bed. Willow has become much more sociable in the past few months! She even recently let her arch nemesis (my mother, for some unknown reason) scratch under her chin! It was a very exciting moment. 

I spend most of my time at home with Willow every day and she is the most wonderful companion. She follows me everywhere (and I mean EVERYWHERE, including the bathroom) and is generally content to sit in a corner and breathe loudly while I do homework or housework.

Pretty much every spare cent that I have goes towards some treat or special food for her and she eats 4 (small) meals a day—breakfast, lunch, dinner, and second dinner… at this point she’s trained me to be her perfect servant. 

I love this cat more than anything and I want you to know that she is content, healthy, happy (as happy as Willow gets), very loved, and she will be for the rest of her days. 

Thank you so much for everything that you’ve done for her and for me and please know that you’ve made a huge difference in both Willow’s and my life. 

Do you have a story, memory or tribute to share?