I adopted Minerva (Fonzi) on September 25, and she has settled in well. She has both of her humans (me and my husband) at her command, and she has a whole house to herself. We’ve had previous cats, so we had a cat tree, an expanded, carpeted windowsill in the bedroom, and other features that appeal to cats. She’s a bit touchy sometimes, but we’ve learned to pay attention to her signals and not get her over-stimulated.
She’s really a sweetheart, and we love her. She’s a great jumper for her age (13) and loves to jump up in the bathroom sink to ask for a drink from the faucet. She loves laps and has found all the sunspots to lay in. After spending 3 months in one room at the shelter, she loves having her own house, and I think she’s explored every corner. Thank you for taking such good care of her.

Do you have a story, memory or tribute to share?