Hansel is been doing great at home, he’s still very shy but the improvement has been so amazing in our eyes, he’s come out of his shell to play with his fur sister at the dog park in our community, of course, we always make sure it’s only the 2 of them in there. He doesn’t retract himself from our touch anymore and lets us pet him and scratch his ear which we’ve come to learn he loves. His been more excited to explore around with every passing day, and we’ve also realized he loves to watch streams and play with the water (we have a little stream in our community and it’s always his favorite part of the walk). We’ve also learned he loves puppaccinos, it’s the one treat he gets excited for 😂.
This last week we’ve felt an incredible shift in his shyness, and he actually has decided on his own to sleep in bed with us, we’ve woken up several times to find him cuddled up in between us and we’re loving it❤️.
He has shown us in this short period of time how he was the missing piece in our family puzzle and we couldn’t be happier that he’s here.

Do you have a story, memory or tribute to share?