In 2014 I adopted Dancer (on the right). She has been abused before coming to you, was very timid and would hunker down every time I went to pet her. Scared of loud noises, thunder, you name it. She was to be a companion for my new boxer puppy Jackson. They got along great at the meet and greet so she became a part of our family.
The next couple of years brought Dance out of her shell. Jackson was instrumental in showing her love and happiness and I could pet her without her being afraid.
Fast forward to August 17, 2024. Dancer had been sick and wouldn’t eat, would hardly drink water. I knew I would not have her much longer so I did the best I could to make her comfortable. I brought her into our vet, Longmont Small Animal Hospital for euthanasia. They allowed me to bring Jackson along so he could be part of this goodbye.
Having two boxer dogs in my life were the happiest 10 years of my life. I was so lucky to be in the right place at the right time.
Do you have a story, memory or tribute to share?